When do tickets go on sale?
Sales for ticketed Jaialdi events are slated to go on sale in January 2025.
When is Jaialdi?
The next Jaialdi will be held July 29 – August 3, 2025.
How often is Jaialdi held?
It’s held every five years in Boise, Idaho.
How many people come to Jaialdi?
It’s tough to accurately estimate because some events, such as those on the Basque Block, do not require tickets. Our best guess is in the neighborhood of 35,000.
Why is Jaialdi held in Boise?
The first Jaialdi was intended as a one-off cultural festival, but then-Gov. Cecil Andrus asked the Boise Basque community to hold another in 1990 to celebrate the state’s 100th anniversary. After the success of the 1990 event, it was decided that the festival should be held every five years.
Who runs Jaialdi?
Jaialdi is entirely run and staffed by unpaid volunteers. It is a labor of love.
how do i apply to be a vendor or international performer at the 2025 festival?
Keep an eye on Jaialdi.com. We will most likely post International applications at the end of 2023 and vendor applications in early 2024.
I’d like more frequent updates. Where should I go?
As the festival approaches, we will be adding more information to jaialdi.com pages around performers, schedule, tickets, and lodging. To stay in the loop with updates as we publish them, check back here often and follow Jaialdi on Facebook.